Collaborative Research Consortia
- DFG Research Group FOR2795 "Synapses under stress"
- DFG Priority Programme SPP1757 "Functional Specialisations of Neuroglia"
- DFG Project "MEG-based neurophysiological markers of optimized STN-DBS in PD"
- SFB 991 - The Structure of Representations in Language, Cognition, and Science
- BMBF consortium on development of predictive in vitro test for developmental neurotoxicity testing
- BMBF 'German Cancer Consortium' DKTK
- BMBF-KKNMS German Competence Network Multiple Sclerosis
- EU MEMBRAND (B cell autoimmunity in neurological disorders)
- EU Erare initiative EDEN - Eugène Devic European Network for Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO)
- NEMOS - German Neuromyelitis Optica Study Group
- NIMH Human Brain Project
- German Cancer Aid consortium German Glioma Network