Moorenstrasse 5 40225 Duesseldorf Nordrhein-Westfalen
Research Interest
Many neurological diseases lead to pathological changes in brain signals that are already visible during rest. This makes analyzing spontaneous activity a promising avenue to better understand the brain’s function and dysfunction. Our research aims at providing a characterization of the neurophysiological basis of the brain’s resting state networks (RSNs) by determining how communication between and within RSNs is mediated. This goal is achieved by analyzing electro-/magnetoencephalographic (E/MEG) data from healthy participants and Parkinson patients.
Results obtained are translationally used to improve our understanding of the pathophysiology of neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s disease. A particular focus is on tracing out the electrophysiological mechanisms underlying the effectiveness of dopaminergic treatment and deep brain stimulation for Parkinson patients.
Further information
Selected Publications
- E. Florin, J. Pfeifer, V. Visser-Vandewalle, A. Schnitzler, L. Timmermann (2016): Parkinson subtype-specific Granger-causal coupling and coherence frequency in the subthalamic area, Neurosciene, 332: 170-180. PubMed
- E. Florin, S. Baillet (2015): The brain's resting-state activity is shaped by synchronized cross-frequency coupling of oscillatory neural activity, NeuroImage, 111:26-35. PubMed
- E. Florin, M. Watanabe, N.K. Logothetis (2015): The role of sub-second neural events in spontaneous brain activity, Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 32: 24-30. PubMed
- E. Florin, E. Bock, S. Baillet (2014): Targeted Reinforcement of Neural Oscillatory Activity with Real-time Neuroimaging Feedback, NeuroImage, 88:54-60. PubMed
- D.M. Herz, E. Florin, M.S. Christensen, C. Reck, M.T. Barbe, M.K. Tscheuschler, M. Tittgemeyer, H.R. Siebner, L. Timmermann (2014): Dopamine replacement modulates oscillatory coupling between premotor and motor cortical areas in Parkinson's disease, Cerebral Cortex, 24: 2873-83. PubMed
- E. Florin, D. Müller, J. Pfeifer, M.T. Barbe, G.R. Fink, L. Timmermann (2013): Subthalamic stimulation modulates self-estimation of Parkinson patients and induces risk-seeking behavior, Brain, 136(11): 3271-3281. PubMed
- E. Florin, R. Erasmi, C. Reck, M. Maarouf, A. Schnitzler, G.R. Fink, L. Timmermann (2013): Does increased gamma activity in patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease counteract the movement inhibiting beta activity?, Neuroscience, 237: 42-50. PubMed
- E. Florin, J. Gross, J. Pfeifer, G.R. Fink, L. Timmermann (2011): Reliability of multivariate causality measures for neural data. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 198(2):344-58. PubMed
- E. Florin, J. Gross, J. Pfeifer, G.R. Fink, L. Timmermann (2010): The effect of filtering on Granger causality derived multivariate causality measures. NeuroImage, 50(2): 577-588. PubMed
- E. Florin, J. Gross, C. Reck, M. Maarouf, A. Schnitzler, V. Sturm, G.R. Fink, L. Timmermann (2010): Causality between local field potentials of the subthalamic nucleus and electromyograms of forearm muscles in Parkinson's disease. European Journal of Neuroscience, 31: 491-498. PubMed