Prof. em. Dr. Rüdiger Seitz
Department of NeurologyLVR-Clinic Düsseldorf
Bergische Landstraße 2 40625 Düsseldorf Nordrhein-Westfalen
Research Interest
- Systems Physiology, Cognitive Neurology
- Action Control, Perception
- Value Judgments and Decision Making
- Stroke Therapy
- Post-lesional Plasticity
- Epilepsy
Specific Projects
- Rehabilitation Gaming System (RGS); AAL-Project
- Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Syndrom; DFG
- Hypnose and Motor Imagery in Rehabilitation
Selected Publications
- Binkofski F, Amunts K, Stephan KM, Posse S, Schormann T, Freund HJ, Zilles K, Seitz RJ (2000) Broca's region subserves imagery of motion: a combined cytoarchitectonic and fMRI study. Hum Brain Mapp 11: 273-285 PubMed
- Duncan J, Seitz RJ, Kolodny J, Bor D, Herzog H, Ahmed A, Newell F, Emslie H (2000) A neural basis for general intelligence. Science 289: 457-460 PubMed
- Bütefisch CM, Netz J, Wessling M, Seitz RJ, Hömberg V (2003) Remote changes in cortical excitability after stroke. Brain 126: 470-481 PubMed
- Binkofski F, Seitz RJ (2004) Modulation of the BOLD-response in early recovery from sensorimotor stroke. Neurology 63: 1223-1229 PubMed
- Kleiser R, Seitz RJ, B Krekelberg (2004) Neural correlates of saccadic suppression in humans. Curr Biol 14: 386-390 PubMed
- Stoeckel MC, Weder B, Binkofski F, Choi HJ, Amunts K, Pieperhoff P, Shah NJ, Seitz RJ (2004) Left and right superior parietal lobule in tactile object discrimination. Eur J Neurosci 19: 1067-1072 PubMed
- Seitz RJ, Meisel S, Weller P, Junghans U, Wittsack H-J, Siebler M (2005) Initial ischemic event: PWI and ADC for stroke evolution. Radiology 237: 1020-1028 PubMed
- Seitz RJ, Scherfeld D, Friederichs S, Popp K, Wittsack H-J, Azari NP, Franz M (2008) Valuating other people's emotional face expression: A combined fMRI and EEG study. Neuroscience 152: 713-722 PubMed
- Stoeckel MC, Seitz RJ, Buetefisch C (2009) Congenitally altered motor experience alters somatotopic organization of human primary motor cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 106: 2395-2400 PubMed
- Lindenberg R, Uhlig M, Scherfeld D, Schlaug G, Seitz RJ (2012) Communication with emblematic gestures: Shared and distinct neural correlates of expression and reception. Human Brain Mapp, 33(4):812-23 PubMed