Hermann Aberle
Institute of Functional Cell Morphology
James Adjaye
Institute for Stem Cell Research and Regenerative Medicine
Reza Ahmadian
Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology II
Orhan Aktas
Department of Neurology
Katrin Amunts
Cécile and Oskar Vogt Institute for Brain Research
Carsten Berndt
Margret Bülow
Clinic for Cardiac Surgery
Svenja Caspers
Institute of Anatomy I
Simon B. Eickhoff
Institute for Systems Neuroscience
Christoph Fahlke
Institute of Biological Information Processing (IBI-1)
Esther Florin
Institute of Clinical Neuroscience and Medical Psychology
Norbert Goebels
Boris Görg
Clinic for Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Infectiology
Kurt Gottmann
Institute of Neuro- and Sensory Physiology
Hans-Peter Hartung
Wolfgang Hoyer
Institute for Physical Biology
Joseph P. Huston
Physiological Psychology
Tobias Kalenscher
Institute of Experimental Psychology
Nikolaj Klöcker
Carsten Korth
Institute of Neuropathology
Jean Krutmann
Leibniz Research Institute for Environmental Medicine
Patrick Küry
Gabriel Leprivier
Eva Meisenzahl
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Nico Melzer
Sven Meuth
Hans Werner Müller
Sajjad Muhammad
Department of Neurosurgery
Klaus Pfeffer
Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hospital Hygiene
Bettina Pollok
Alessandro Prigione
Department of General Pediatrics
Guido Reifenberger
Christine R. Rose
Institute of Neurobiology
Tobias Ruck
Stefanie Scheu
Alfons Schnitzler
Rüdiger Seitz
Olga Sergeeva
Holger Stark
Institute for Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry
Birgit Strodel
Institute of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
Kai Stühler
Biologisch-Medizinisches Forschungszentrum (BMFZ)
Erdem Gültekin Tamgüney
Natascia Ventura
Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Diagnostic
Jan Vesper
Charlotte von Gall
Institute of Anatomy II
Anna von Mikecz
Sascha Weggen
Dieter Willbold